Lith Printing
What is lith printing and how it differs from normal wet lab printing? In lith printing you use a special kind of developer. Lens in the enlarger should be all the way open. No printing filter is needed. In lith printing highlights are controlled with time and shadows with development time. In normal development you have a certain time for developer, but in lith printing it's all about your decision. When the print looks dark enough for you, it should be in the stop bath already. So be prepared to pull out your print from the developer fast just before you get to the perfect result! All the prints are unique in lith printing. For lith printing both RC and fiber paper can be used, but not all the papers work well with lith developer. Like in normal printing, dodging and burning can be used, but the times can be extremely long. In lith printing the result will look grainy and old, but works very well for fine art printing.